Be part of the biggest change in Colombia

Connecting investors, donors and philanthropists with carefully identified investment opportunities.

Why use this platform

As an Investor or Funder

As an Investor or

Create open calls
Call on our community of project developers to identify opportunities in your preferred sectors and geographies.
Enable positive impact
Find opportunities that have the greatest impact on challenges like biodiversity, climate, community and water.
In line with your priorities
Set your priorities and HeCo Invest will connect you with the best opportunities.
Find projects
Find investment opportunities for loan, equity or grant funding.

As a Project Developer

As a Project Developer
Guiding tools
Access user-friendly tools that help turn a good idea into a proposal ready to be reviewed by an investor or funder.
Create partnerships
Find other people with similar interests. Join forces, secure more investment and create a greater impact.
Curated database
Explore our curated database featuring the contacts you need to take your project or business to the next level.
Apply to open calls
Browse the open calls posted by our investor community to identify new areas for project development.

How it works

Reach out for what you are looking for, from either Investors or Project Developers and start the conversation.

Create an account

Create your organization's account as a project developer in the field or as an investor or funder and become part of the HeCo Invest community.

Search and find

Use our Artificial Intellience tool powered by ARIES, to help you identify what best fits your specific needs.


Start connecting with people to create impact. You can find investors, opportunities to invest open calls and much more.

Identified priorities by the HeCo program

HeCo Invest manages a wide range of investment and financing opportunities in various sectors and priority geographies for the conservation and development of Colombia.


The opportunities are located in geographies that are are unique due to of their biodiversity, cultural heritages, and regulation of water systems. As such, these projects will have the greatest impact for people and nature.


You can choose from a variety of opportunities that range from sustainable landscape management tools and solutions, to forest-friendly products and business models. From social welfare solutions, to climate solutions and sustainable businesses.

Invest in the most meaningful way to have the biggest impact

Through accessing ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Environmental Sustainability) and using Machine Reasoning modelling algorithms, this platform accesses the most relevant information to inform you on project and investment potential impact along four key dimensions: Biodiversity, Climate, Community and Water.

© Luis Barreto / WWF-UK


Contribute to protecting areas of greatest ecosystems diversity, conservation and restoration potential, degree of threat or protection for flora and fauna, landscape connectivity and degree of endemism.

© Luis Barreto / WWF-UK


Contribute to addressing the effects of climate change through investments to reduce CO2 emissions and conserve or restore forest-related carbon sinks.

Nature based solutions have been estimated to have the potential of contributing to compensate for up to 30% of global emissions.

© Luis Barreto / WWF-UK


By contributing to improve the productions systems and livelihoods of local communities and indigenous peoples to satisfy their basic needs, while enhancing their adaptation to climate change.

Supporting the consolidation of their lands governance structures and capacities for sound management.

© Luis Barreto / WWF-UK


Support protecting the environmental factors that help maintain the availability and regulation of the water resources, which are vital for reducing risks such as floods and droughts, which in the face of climate change can become more frequent and larger in magnitude.

Start making an impact now


Find projects, start-ups or create an open call to locate opportunities for investment or funding that make an impact.

Project developers

Promote your idea, project or business and connect it with investors and funding sources to generate impact in Colombia.